cartas | letters

Participation in Cómplices jewelry group
4th. edition
Bs. As., September 30th, 2010
Dear Mercedes and Paco,
Having had a chance to read your correspondence, I took notice that you were planning to get married and that is why I dared to create you a set of
wedding rings.
With the secret hope that you will enjoy them and that they will cherish the bond
that unites you.
My most sincerely greetings,
Fabiana Gadano
It was May 2010, when I found a bunch of letters in a flea market in Buenos Aires city. They happened to belong to a couple of lovers from year 1908, that were planning their wedding.
An epistolary exchange, romantic and highly lit by illusions, among which was the promise of marriage.
From my actual present, I decided to help the young couple to make their dream of wedding true, creating the wedding rings with the material I had from them, their letters.
From its reading a lot of questions arouse:
Did the marriage happen? Or did they break and have another life, different from the plan described in their letters?
Was there a goodbye? or was it a natural departure?
In this body of work I present some reflections on farewell and celebration of life.
Other projects

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celebrating bicentennial anniversary of Argentinian May Revolution

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depicturing beloved places

fiesta | party
participation in Cómplices jewelry group. 5th edition

telares | looms
celebrating the ancient tradition of looms