territorios | territories

These pieces were inspired in the idea of the place where I belong.
The idea was developed considering place of birth and family blood as special values to rely on.
I worked in the hope that there will always be strong and permanent underlying bows waiting to arise and become unequivocal.
The bonds that attach land, blood and feelings.
Each piece relates to a personal pray, a sort of customized religion based on belief, hope and finally facts.
The pieces were built using materials I collected in particular situations, such as beach pebbles or oxidized roof tins, intending, with the inclusion of these elements, to communicate the sense of land as the place where I belong.
Other components materialized in silver and nickel silver, allowed me to evoke my memories of that special, relaxing oasis, called bonding feelings.
Other projects

esteros | marshes
portraits serie. Iberá marshes, Corrientes, Argentina

retratos | portraits
depicturing beloved places

telares | looms
celebrating the ancient tradition of looms

fiesta | party
participation in Cómplices jewelry group. 5th edition

ciudades | cities | recycled PET plastic bottles
ciudades | cities | recycled PET plastic bottles

sex, drugs and rock'n roll
vices or lyfestyle?

cartas | letters
participation in Cómplices jewelry group. 4th edition

h2o | recycled PET plastic bottles
revaluing waste material

refugios | shelters
a reflection on privacy and invaded intimacy

océanos | oceans | recycled PET plastic bottles
revaluing waste material

colección natura | nature collection | recycled PET plastic bottles
Recycled PET (Polyethylene terephthalate ) plastic bottles