colección natura | nature collection | recycled PET plastic bottles

Loot 2015: MAD about jewelry New York Museum of Arts and Design.
Premio Fondazione Cominelli 2015.
My need to express convictions and wishes imbedded in an artistic and technical quest make my jewelry transcend the mere decoration. The desire to communicate an experience, a feeling or an idea is always present and materializes in flashbacks and references to the alleged theme that calls me, although in many cases, in a veiled manner. But that is not that the core of it. That is just a creation starting point, since each time, when I´m holding a new piece in my hands, I confirm that the originating reason was not the only important matter, for it now shares the space with a new existence. It is that object that will complete its message in the other´s experience.
The Natura collection accompanying this text shows pieces focused on environmental issues, something that has been lately within my interests. Concerned, as part of a consumer society, by our excessive use of plastic with the consequent damage to the environment, I have developed this collection by re-using recycled PET plastic (polyethylene terephthalate) from water and soda bottles.
The project proposes to change the destination of a short-lived material, born to be waste, and turn it into the vehicle for an idea. It intends to give it a new meaning as a protagonist material in jewel pieces, granting it the noble nature of an extended life, a sign inherent to this type of pieces whose portable condition makes it easier for the message to spread.
This hand work calls for multiple experiences and covers all kinds of hypothesis. Several failed tries and a few valid ones alternate one after the other until a possibility takes shape that realizes as the expected one as soon as it is born.
The pieces in the collection refer in their configurations to the organic world although reflecting a different Nature by making evident the PET paradox: an inherent synthetic material becoming the protagonist in a universe that is the mirror of life.
We have in our hands the power to avoid that it stays as the only one. We have the resources; let´s take care of this side of the mirror.
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