esteros | marshes

Marshes I. Bracelet. Copper, alpaca and sterling silver. Fused metals. 6 x 4,5 x 5,5 cm

Marshes II. Bracelet. Brass, copper, alpaca and sterling silver. Fused metals. 7 x 4,5 x 5,5 cm
Portraits serie evokes natural sightseeings from my country, Argentina.
In this chapter, Esteros del Iberá, Corrientes province. A very special area in the northeast part of the country, Rich, humid, tropical and wild area.
Other projects

h2o | recycled PET plastic bottles
revaluing waste material

ciudades | cities | recycled PET plastic bottles
ciudades | cities | recycled PET plastic bottles

refugios | shelters
a reflection on privacy and invaded intimacy

territorios | territories
celebrating bicentennial anniversary of Argentinian May Revolution

retratos | portraits
depicturing beloved places

fiesta | party
participation in Cómplices jewelry group. 5th edition

cartas | letters
participation in Cómplices jewelry group. 4th edition

sex, drugs and rock'n roll
vices or lyfestyle?

océanos | oceans | recycled PET plastic bottles
revaluing waste material

telares | looms
celebrating the ancient tradition of looms

colección natura | nature collection | recycled PET plastic bottles
Recycled PET (Polyethylene terephthalate ) plastic bottles